NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
email Email address Mandatory fields for creation string Length between 0 and 100
first_name First name string Length between 0 and 30
last_name Last name string Length between 0 and 30
phone Phone number string Length between 0 and 10
language Language ('fr' or 'en') string Length between 0 and 2
linkmode linkmode (Obsolere, simply pass the accountId) string Length between 0 and 1
accountId Customer unique identifier/delivery address to be linked to this new user bigint
isusercard Indicates a single use card Creation mode only. Id isusercard=1, linkmode must be ā€˜Cā€™ et linkid must be the referral customer. The customer passed through usercard_custid must be correctly configured in the ERP Boolean (1/0)
usercard_custid Referral unique identifier (single use card) bigint
user_adresses Delivery address PostUserAdresses
rules User custom rules UserCustomRules 8.02.0006
custWebReferenceNo Customer referencing code string
custNo Customer code string