GET orders/{order_id} |
Sales order information
GET orders/byorderno/{orderNo} |
Receive sales order information from its order number
GET orders/byweborderid/{weborderid} |
Receive sales order information from the Web vendor unique identifier
POST orders?modetest={modetest}&options={options} |
Creating an order (in auto commit)
POST orders/preview?modetest={modetest}&options={options} |
Creating an order (in preview mode - not committed)
POST orders/calculate?modetest={modetest}&options={options} |
Order calculation. Process all order calculation without any order / preview creation
POST orders/close?modetest={modetest}&options={options} |
Closing an order. The order will be automatically billed
PUT orders/commit/{trans_id} |
Commit of an order created in preview mode
PUT orders/rollback/{trans_id} |
Rollback of an order created in preview mode
POST orders/payment/{orderId} |
Apply payment to existing order
PUT orders/{id}?options={options} |
Modifying an order using order_id or trans_id
GET orders/customer/{cust_id}?session={session}&page={page}&count={count}&filter={filter}&statut={statut}&divisionId={divisionId}&docId={docId}&includeChildrenDivisions={includeChildrenDivisions} |
Returns a page of orders based on the page, count, and filter parameters for a given customer
GET orders/objetcrm/{crmobjet_id}?session={session}&page={page}&count={count}&filter={filter}&statut={statut}&divisionId={divisionId}&docId={docId}&includeChildrenDivisions={includeChildrenDivisions} |
Returns a page of orders based on the page, count, and filter parameters for a given crm object
GET orders/webuser/{idwebuser}?session={session}&page={page}&count={count}&filter={filter}&statut={statut}&divisionId={divisionId}&docId={docId}&includeChildrenDivisions={includeChildrenDivisions} |
Returns a page of orders based on the page, count, and filter parameters for a given Web user
GET orders/externaluserid/{webuserid}?session={session}&page={page}&count={count}&filter={filter}&statut={statut}&divisionId={divisionId}&docId={docId}&includeChildrenDivisions={includeChildrenDivisions} |
Returns a page of orders based on the page, count, and filter parameters from the unique identifier of the Web partner user
GET orders/{order_id}/contact |
Returns contact information to send the order
GET orders/changelog/{token} |
Returns the list of orders modified from a token
POST orders/{order_id}/send |
Send the sales order to the specified contact
GET orders/search?session={session}&order_no={order_no}&email={email}&postcode={postcode}&name={name}&statut={statut} |
Returns a list of orders corresponding exactly ro a list of criteria
A minimum of 3 criteria must be sent