NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
cust_id Customer unique identifier (large file) bigint
cust_no Customer number string
adrliv_id Delivery address unique identifier (small file) bigint
language Web user language (en or fr) string
ship_fullname Entire delivery name string
ship_phone Phone number string
bill_fullname string Longueur entre 0 et 10
bill_phone Phone number of billing customer string
bill_salesman Sales representative of billing customer string
transp_id Carrier unique identifier bigint
hasaccount Indicates is the customer has an account Boolean (1/0)
transpclientname Customer carrier (Name of carrier) string
transpclientaccountno Customer carrier (Account number) string
isusercard Indicates if it's a user with a unique access card. See documentation on unique access cards. Boolean (1/0)
ownercust_id Owner customer unique identifier (referral) See documentation on unique access cards. bigint
ownercust_fullname Owner customer name (referral) See documentation on unique access cards. string
ownercust_phone Owner customer phone number (referral) See documentation on unique access cards. string
custdiv_id Customer division identifier bigint
custdiv_code Customer division number string
custdiv_desc Customer division name string
terme_code Customer term code string
terme_desc Customer term description string
credit_code Customer credit code string
credit_desc Customer credit code description string
isAdmin Indicates if it's a user has admin rights (information only) See documentation on unique access cards. Boolean (1/0)
ship_address Delivery address Address
bill_address Billing address Address
ownercust_address Owner customer address (referral) See documentation on unique access cards. Address
suppl_fields Customer additional fields Suppl_fields
usersuppl_fields User additional fields Suppl_fields
user_adresses User addresses (obsolète) UserAdresses
accounts List of customer accounts accessible by this account Collection of AccountUser
choisy_salesman Representative Collection of GenericInfo
idwebuser User unique identifier bigint
user_name user name string
user_email Main email string
user_firstname First name string Longueur entre 0 et 30
user_lastname Last name string Longueur entre 0 et 30
rules User custom rules UserCustomRules 8.02.0002