NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
product_id Product unique identifier bigint
code Product code string
desc_fr French product description string
desc_en English product description string
status Product status ‘0’=Active, ‘1’=Inactive, ‘2’=Deleted. integer
type Product type string
donotshow Indicates that this product should not be displayed on the Web Boolean (1/0)
donotshowprice Indicates that the price should not be displayed for this product Boolean (1/0)
donotshowpricereg Indicates that the regular price should not be displayed for this product Boolean (1/0)
ismultiplepack identifies the items with multiple packaging (cannot open boxes) Boolean (1/0)
ismodelcreateprod To identify products that can be used as a model for creating virtual products (Showcase) (see POST) Boolean (1/0)
isproduitvirt Indicates a virtual product (Showcase) Boolean (1/0)
isproduitpromo Indicates a promotion trigger Boolean (1/0)
isbox Indicates the item is a package Boolean (1/0)
isoversize Identifies large format items Boolean (1/0)
isliquid_or_gaz Identifies liquid or gas items Boolean (1/0)
isdanger Identifies hazardous material items Boolean (1/0)
isFrostSensitive Boolean (1/0)
genericproduct_id Unique identifier of its generic product bigint
priceprod_id Product for price bigint
isgeneric Indicates a generic product Boolean (1/0)
base_uom Inventory unit (base unit) string
alternatePriceUom Price alternate unit string 8.02.0018
istaxable Taxable product Boolean (1/0)
desclon_fr Long French description of product string
desclon_en Long English description of product string
groupid_1 Level 1 Web group. First multilevel classification bigint
groupid_2 Level 2 Web group. Second multilevel classification bigint
groupid_3 Level 3 Web group. Empty if multilevel bigint
group1 Level 1 Web group code. First classification. string 8.03.0003
group2 Level 2 Web group code. First classification. string 8.03.0003
group3 Level 3 Web group code. First classification. string 8.03.0003
group1desc_fr Web group 1 description (French) string
group1desc_en Web group 1 description (English) string
group2desc_fr Web group 2 description (French) string
group2desc_en Web group 2 description (English) string
group3desc_fr Web group 3 description (French) string
group3desc_en Web group 3 description (English) string
secondgroupid_1 Level 1 Web group. Second classification. bigint 8.03.0003
secondgroupid_2 Level 2 Web group. Second classification. bigint 8.03.0003
secondgroupid_3 Level 3 Web group. Second classification. Empty if multilevel bigint 8.03.0003
secondgroup1 Level 1 Web group code. Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup2 Level 2 Web group code. Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup3 Level 3 Web group code. Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup1desc_fr Web group 1 description (French). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup1desc_en Web group 1 description (English). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup2desc_fr Web group 2 description (French). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup2desc_en Web group 2 description (English). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
secondgroup3desc_fr Web group 3 description (French). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
SecondGsecondgroup3desc_enroup3desc_en Web group 3 description (English). Second classification. string 8.03.0003
groupid_101 Inventory group 1 bigint
groupid_102 Inventory group 2 bigint
groupid_103 Inventory group 3 bigint
group101desc_fr Web group 1 description (French) string
group101desc_en Web group 1 description (English) string
group102desc_fr Web group 2 description (French) string
group102desc_en Web group 2 description (English) string
group103desc_fr Web group 3 description (French) string
group103desc_en Web group 3 description (English) string
supplinfo_fr Additional information (French) string
supplinfo_en Additional information (English) string
ispointsappl Indicates if points are applicable for this product Boolean (1/0)
isalwaysavail Indicates that this product is still available Boolean (1/0)
iscartecadeau Indicates a gift card product Boolean (1/0)
isactiveweb Indicates that this product is distributed on the Web Boolean (1/0)
iscreationcompleted Indicates if the creation process is completed Boolean (1/0)
isvedette Indicates that this product is a featured product Boolean (1/0)
isachatwebnonpermis Indicates that this product cannot be purchased on the Web Boolean (1/0)
isnewprod Identifies a new product Boolean (1/0)
poids Item weight decimal number
modeoptsel Options mode 0 – No option 1 – Options are automatic 2 – Selection by user integer
option_qtyreq If specified, the quantity of options must be the equal to this field integer
isqtebo Always put quantity in BO in orders Boolean (1/0)
qte_maxcust Maximum quantity by customer decimal number
note Note on invoice (\n replaces CRLF) string
intstatus Internal status string
intstatus_desc Internal status description string
webmarque_fr Web brand (French) string
webmarque_en Web brand (English) string
marque_fr Product brand (French) string
marque_en Product brand (English) string
modele_fr Product model (French) string
modele_en Product model (English) string
webcollection_fr Collection (French) string
webcollection_en Collection (English) string
webdesccommune_fr Common description (French) string
webdesccommune_en Common description (English) string
webvariete_fr Variety (French) string
webvariete_en Variety (English) string
webcouleur_fr Colour (French) string
webcouleur_en Colour (English) string
webdimension_fr Dimension (French) string
webdimension_en Dimension (English) string
webformat2_fr Format #2 (French) string
webformat2_en Format #2 (English) string
webdescsuppl_fr Additional Web description (French) string
webdescsuppl_en Additional Web description (English) string
webinfogarantie_fr Warranty information (French) string
webinfogarantie_en Warranty information (English) string
isinstallation Indicates an installation product code Boolean (1/0)
author Author string
catmaj major category Category
catint Intermediate category Category
catmin Minor category Category
taxes Applicable taxes for the product Taxes
suppliers Vendors ProductSuppliers
inventory Quantity in inventory *** Warning: This property is returned only if a specific product is requested Collection of Inventory
prices Price list *** Warning: This property is returned only if a specific product is requested Prices
salesuom Sales unit price Salesuom
volumetric Volume data Volumetric
codesapp Calling code list Codesapp
upc Main UPC code string
codesupc Other UPC codes list Codesupc
suppl_fields Additional field list Suppl_fields
manuf Manufacturer Manuf
isprimeappl Indicates that this product has bonuses Boolean (1/0)
primes Bonuses Primes
sugg Suggested product list Sugg
equiv Equivalent product list Equiv
images Image list Images
fichetech Image list Fichetech
tags Tag list Collection of Tag
seasons Season list Seasons
ismatricemaster Indicates that this product is a matrix Boolean (1/0)
matrices Matrix definition Matrices
palette Palet/consigment/ecofees Palette
options Options Options
cust_maxinventoryqty Maximum quantity in inventory at customer site This information is only available for the /api/customers/{cust_id}/products api decimal number
cust_maxinventoryunit Unit of measure for the maximum quantity in inventory at customer site This information is only available for the /api/customers/{cust_id}/products api string
dimension Product dimension data Dimension
ismodifdescr Indicates is the product description is editable Boolean (1/0)
dim_divers1 Misc. field #1 string
dim_divers2 Misc. field #2 string
dim_divers3 Misc. field #3 string
dim_divers4 Misc. field #4 string
dim_divers5 Misc. field #5 string
dim_divers6 Misc. field #6 string
cost Average cost (Must be activated to be available) decimal number
componentCost Component average cost (options) (Must be activated to be available) decimal number
divisions List of allowed divisions for this product. (No division indicates that all divisions are allowed) Collection of GenericInfo 8.02.0014
catalogs Web catalog list Collection of GenericInfo 8.02.0015
serviceWarranty Warranty information ProductWarranty 8.04.0002
isEscTermeApplicable Indicates if the term discount is applicable for this product Boolean (1/0) 8.04.0003
isBOExcluded If '1', there is not back-order for this product Boolean (1/0) 8.05.0002
isBOExcludedIgnoreWhenOption If '1', ignore isBOExcluded Boolean (1/0) 8.07.0001
notes Product General Notes Collection of GenericNotes 8.06.0001
isWebTotalSep Indicate if we have to isolate the total for this product Boolean (1/0) 8.05.0002
customs Customs Data CustomsInfo
isMasterProduct Indicate if this product is a master product Boolean (1/0) 8.07.0004
masterProductId Unique identifier of its master product bigint 8.07.0004
clothing Clothing informations ClothingInfo 8.07.0005