NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
line_id Line unique identifier (Mandatory if this product contains options) bigint
entrId Warehouse Id bigint
weborderlineid Your line unique identifier string Maximum length : 100
product_no Product code product_no or product_id or productCode must be passed string Maximum length : 100
productCode This code will attempt to find this code in this order - Code de produit - Code UPC - Codes d'appels product_no or product_id or productCode must be passed string Maximum length : 100
product_id Product identifier product_no or product_id must be passed bigint
qty Quantity ordered decimal number Required
price Price (Before discount) decimal number
discount_pct Discount % decimal number
discount_amount Additional unit discount amount (Discount in $ on price) decimal number
unit Unit of measure (price and quantity) string Maximum length : 100
description Product description (GL type only) string Maximum length : 60
note Detail line note string
imp_bonlivraison Flag to print the note on the PS Boolean (1/0)
imp_commande Flag to print the note on the order Boolean (1/0)
imp_cueillette Flag to print the note on the picking Boolean (1/0)
imp_facture Flag to print the note on the invoice Boolean (1/0)
promo_code Promotion code that generated this line string
promo_applied_code Promotion code for which this product was used in the calculation string
fieldstoclear List of fields to empty string 8.01.0005
priceMatch_discountPerUnit Price Match promotion type: Discount on price decimal number 8.03.0001
priceMatch_reference Price Match promotion type: Reference number (receipt number) string 8.03.0001
priceMatch_priceList Price Match promotion type: Price list number string 8.03.0001
privateGiftCardActivationReload Gift card activating/reload GiftCardActivationReload 8.05.0000
forcePrice Flag to indicate that price is forced by Web Boolean (1/0)