NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
webpartner Web partner identifier (will be provided by ACCEO) string
cust_id Customer unique identifier from getuser. bigint
cust_no Customer number. (Ingnored if cust_id is supplied) string
cust_EDIno EDI reference number. (Ignored if cust_id or cust_no is supplied) string
billcust_id Unique identifier of customer to invoice (if different from del. customer) bigint
order_no Order number Optional. Ignored during update string Maximum length : 30
codedoc Order document code string Maximum length : 4
email User email (In guest mode only) string
po_number Customer unique identifier from getuser string
ship_fullname Customer name string Maximum length : 40
ship_tel Customer name string Maximum length : 10
ship_address Shipping address Address
note General note string
note_picking Picking general note string
note_bl Packing slip general note string
note_invoice Invoice general note string
carrierCode Carrier code string
carrier_id Carrier identifier bigint
transp_id Carrier identifier (Legacy) bigint
transp_name_custom Carrier custom name string
transpclientaccountno Account number of customer carrier string
transpclientname Customer carrier name string
transport_amount Transportation fix amount (replace amount calculated by ERP) decimal number
insurance_amount Insurance fix amount (replace amount calculated by ERP) decimal number
norefweb Web reference number string Maximum length : 50
entr_code Order warehouse. Can be one of the following values: - Warehouse code - Warehouse Web alias - Warehouse unique identifier The order division will become the division of the passed warehouse string Maximum length : 100
division_no Order division. *** Warning, if a division is passed, its warehouse will be considered. The entr_code filed will thus be ignored string Maximum length : 100
req_date Required delivery date date
weborderid Your order identifier string Maximum length : 100
webuserid You user identifier string Maximum length : 100 8.02.0019
adrliv_id Delivery address identifier bigint
statut Order status (0 to 3) integer
ausoinde Attention string Maximum length : 30
typedoc Document type (1 to 9) integer
code_source Sales source string Maximum length : 30
com_date Order date (if different from today's date) date
modetest Payment term identifier bigint
terme_code Payment term code string
calculcod Indicates if we must calculate COD Boolean (1/0) Default value: 0
expiration_date Order expiry date date
project_title Project title string
project_startdate Project start date date
project_enddate Project end date date
condition_id Condition identifier bigint
crmobjet_id Linked CRM object identifier (opportunity or lead) bigint 8.01.0001
note_interne Internal note string 8.01.0004
fieldstoclear List of fields to empty string 8.01.0005
tax_amount_1 Tax #1 fixed amount (Replaces the amount calculated by the ERP). Will be applied only if the configuration allows for it decimal number 8.01.0007
tax_amount_2 Tax #2 fixed amount (Replaces the amount calculated by the ERP). Will be applied only if the configuration allows for it decimal number 8.01.0007
tax_amount_3 Tax #3 fixed amount (Replaces the amount calculated by the ERP). Will be applied only if the configuration allows for it decimal number 8.01.0007
datacandy_CID Datacandy loyalty card number string Maximum length : 100 8.02.0000
privateFidelityCardNo Private loyalty card number string Maximum length : 100 8.03.0000
suiviCode Follow-up code to enter in the order string Maximum length : 20 8.02.0008
isDropShip Dropship identifier Boolean (1/0)
divisionId Division Id bigint
entrId Warehouse Id bigint
taxModel Tax model for this order string 8.03.0002
orderPickupDelegate Name of delegate for order pickup string 8.07.0002