NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
amount Payment amount decimal number Required
processor Payment processor name Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment string Maximum length : 10
card_type Card type Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment string Maximum length : 10
reference Reference number Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment string Maximum length : 100
receiptnumber Receipt number/confirmation Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment string Maximum length : 100
timestamp Payment date/time Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment date
cardno_mask Masked card number (ex: four last numbers) Informative field only. Will be kept in the ERP against the payment string Maximum length : 100
card_fid Loyalty card number string Maximum length : 30
pmt_mode Payment method (based on the ERP payment methods table) If not specified, the order will use the default payment method (based on configuration in ERP) string Maximum length : 50
giftCardAuthId Gift card Pre-authorization Id to complete the sale. To be used with pmt_mode = '*GIFTCARD' string 8.06.0004
isPreAuth Pour indiquer le paiement est en mode Pré-Autorisation *** A utiliser seulement si activé au niveau d'OGASYS *** Boolean (1/0) 8.06.0004