NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
options Options OrderOptions
line_id Line unique identifier bigint
parentLine_id Line unique identifier bigint
product_id Product unique identifier bigint
product_no Product code string
product_desc Product description string
qty Ordered quantity decimal number
qty_resv Reserved quantity decimal number
qty_bo BO quantity decimal number
qty_ship Quantity delivered decimal number 8.01.0006
price Price before discount decimal number
discount_pct Discount % decimal number
discount_amount Additional unit discount amount (discount in $ on price) decimal number
total Line total decimal number
unit Quantity unit of measure string
priceUnit Price unit of measure string
promo Promotion code string
promo_descfr Promotion description (French) string
promo_descen Promotion description (English) string
note Line note string
imp_bonlivraison Flag to show if the note is printed on the PS Boolean (1/0)
imp_commande Flag to show if the note is printed on the order Boolean (1/0)
imp_cueillette Flag to show if the note is printed on the picking Boolean (1/0)
imp_facture Flag to show if the note is printed on the invoice Boolean (1/0)
entrId Warehouse unique identifier bigint 8.03.0000
privateGiftCardNo gift card number activated, reloaded or used string 8.05.0001
messages Messages from this line OrderMessages
weborderlineid Your line unique identifier string Maximum length : 100