NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
order_id Order unique identifier bigint
order_no Order unique identifier string Maximum length : 15
cust_id Customer unique identifier bigint
adrliv_id Delivery address unique identifier bigint
taxcode_1 Tax #1 code string
taxdesc_1_fr Tax #1 description (French) string
taxdesc_1_en Tax #1 description (English) string
taxshortdesc_1_fr Tax #1 short description (French) string
taxshortdesc_1_en Tax #1 short description (English) string
tax_amount_1 Tax #1 amount decimal number
taxcode_2 Tax #2 code string
taxdesc_2_fr Tax #2 description (French) string
taxdesc_2_en Tax #2 description (English) string
taxshortdesc_2_fr Tax #2 short description (French) string
taxshortdesc_2_en Tax #2 short description (English) string
tax_amount_2 Tax #2 amount decimal number
sub_total Total before taxes decimal number
total Order total decimal number
po_number PO number string
status Order status (Fix values) -- STATUS LIST (By event order) ORDER = On order PICKING = In progress... Picking has started SHIPPING = Shipping in progress. COMPLETED = Completed CANCELLED = Order cancelled or deleted string
status_fr Order status (French) string
status_en Order status (English) string
ship_custno Delivery customer number string
ship_fullname Delivery customer name string
ship_tel Delivery customer phone number string
ship_address Delivery address Address
bill_custno Invoiced customer no. string
bill_fullname Invoiced customer name string
bill_tel Invoiced customer phone no. string
bill_address Invoicing address Address
order_date Order date date
delivery_no Packing slip number string
delivery_date Packing slip date date
invoice_no Invoice number string
invoice_date Invoice date date
note Order general note string
note_interne Order internal note string 8.02.0004
note_picking Picking general note string
trans_id Transaction identification (for check-in) bigint
carrier_id Carrier identifier bigint
carrierCode Carrier code string
transp_name_custom Carrier custom name string
carriername_fr Carrier name (French) string
carriername_en Carrier name (English) string
tracking_no Tracking number string
req_date Estimated delivery date date
accompte_no Deposit number string
nocartefid Loyalty card number string
ausoinde Attention string
messages Messages from this order OrderMessages
division_no Order division number string
division_name Order division name string
expiration_date Order expiry date date
project_title Project title string
project_startdate Project start date date
project_enddate Project end date date
condition_id Condition identifier bigint
transport_amount Transportation amount decimal number
insurance_amount Insurance amount decimal number
webuser_email Email of Web user who placed the order string
webuser_phone Phone number of Web user who placed the order string
crmobjet_id Linked CRM object identifier (opportunity or lead) bigint 8.01.0001
codedoc Order document number. string 8.01.0001
prospect_id bigint
status_code Order status integer
isupdatable Indicates if the order can be modified Boolean (1/0) 8.01.0004
reasonnotupdatable_fr Reason if order cannot be modified (French) string 8.01.0004
reasonnotupdatable_en Reason if order cannot be modified (English) string 8.01.0004
magentoStatus Magento status string 8.02.0016
entrId Warehouse unique identifier bigint 8.03.0000
entrCode Warehouse code string 8.03.0002
entrName Warehouse name string 8.03.0002
divisionId Division unique identifier bigint 8.03.0000
taxModel Tax model string 8.03.0002
webuserid Customer Identifier In Web developper System (If previously sent during order creation) string 8.06.0003
orderPickupDelegate Name of delegate for order pickup string 8.07.0002
invoiceDownloadURL Invoice downloading URL string