NameDescriptionTypeAdditionnal InformationIntro version
accountId Account identifier If it is a delivery address (small card), the account ID will be the address ID (adrliv_id) otherwhise, it will be the customer ID (cust_id) bigint
cust_id Customer unique identifier (large card) bigint
bill_cust_id Billing customer unique identifier bigint
cust_no customer number string
adrliv_id Delivery address unique identifier (small card) bigint
status Customer status (0 = Active, 1 = Inactive, 2 = To delete) integer 8.02.0005
language Web user language (EN or FR) string
ship_fullname Full name of ship-to customer string Length between 0 and 40
ship_phone Phone number string Length between 0 and 10
ship_phone2 Phone number #2 string Length between 0 and 10
ship_fax Fax number string Length between 0 and 10
bill_fullname Full name of billing customer string Length between 0 and 40
bill_phone Phone number of billing customer string Length between 0 and 10
bill_salesman Sales representative of billing customer string Length between 0 and 30
carrier_id Carrier unique identifier bigint
hasaccount Indicates if the customer has an account Boolean (1/0)
transpclientname Customer carrier (carrier name) string Length between 0 and 100
transpclientaccountno Customer carrier (account number) string Length between 0 and 100
custdiv_id Customer division identifier bigint
custdiv_code Customer division number string
custdiv_desc Customer division name string
terme_code Customer term code string
terme_desc Customer term description string
credit_code Customer credit code string
credit_desc Customer credit code description string
po_oblig Indicates if the PO is mandatory Boolean (1/0)
faxInternational International fax # string
noIRS IRS No. string
canCreateAppel Authorization fro creating a service call Boolean (1/0)
shippingApplicable Indicates if shipment fees are applicable Boolean (1/0) 8.02.0013
shippingAmount Shipment fees amount decimal number 8.02.0013
taxModel Taxation model string 8.02.0017
fidelityCardNumber Loyalty card number string Length between 0 and 100
ship_address Delivery address AddressExt
bill_address Billing address AddressExt
region Region GenericInfo
salesman Representative SalesmanInfo
territory Territory GenericInfo
entrepot Customer default warehouse GenericInfo 8.02.0006
defaultNotes Default notes CustomerdefaultNotes 8.02.0006
credit Credit information AccountCreditInfo
suppl_fields Customer additional fields Suppl_fields
productsfilters Allowed categories/groups/products CustomerProductsFilters 8.02.0005
custType Customer type GenericInfo
shippingAddr Delivery address list (small cards) Collection of ShippingAddr
catalogs Web catalog list Collection of GenericInfo 8.02.0010
contacts Account contact list Collection of AccountContact 8.02.0010
banner Banner GenericInfo 8.02.0011
followUp Account follow-up GenericInfo 8.02.0021
regularPriceList Regular price list GenericInfo 8.03.0004
specialPriceList Special price list GenericInfo 8.03.0004
priceProfile Price Profile GenericInfo 8.03.0004
deliveryDays Delivery Days Collection of AccountDeliveryDay 8.07.0003